I think these are a little too high contrast and "hard" for maternity.
Women in general like bougie processing, which is fine - but I'd tone everything down a bit.
Pregnant women are hard to pose so I can only say "you know good when you see it"
>>2896674Hard - watch the too-hot bit in the background. I'd want that whole background 1-2 stops darker.
>>2896675This is fun - might want her hips not square to the camera though
>>2896677Good enough. Might be my favorite. Tone down her face a tad - but the rock cutting off her feet is my biggest problem. A little mote to our right, and maybe a little shuffle with her and you'd still frame her between the background trees
>>2896678This is fine - sexcept the processing. She's orange, it's too saturated, her skin is too hot, and it's too high contrast
>>2896681This is flattering - processing isn't my favorite.
PIC RELATED: My wife 2 days before she popped. This is a 2 flash setup and the processing was her choice. Note how it's soft and feminine though.