>>3914102Lolwut? Not sure if accusing me of samefagging but you need your pills. I can get the accusations of samefagging during an argument, but I literally just saw tits and decided to agree with a dude who voiced my opinion almost word for word the way I would. Or were you just pointing out that most people view like this. I think we all need our pills.
>>3914097I shoot both FF and crop and am literally considering getting my kit as small and light as possible. I had a dude here call me weak because I found a way to get my FF gear from ~1.1kg to 600g by getting a crop camera for family outings. I was an idiot/poorfag/weak because I didn't just get more lenses or another FF body apparently. I honestly think some of these guys are just larping. Half of them are no/p/hotos. "Only" 500g seems like a little bit until you actually carry them for a whole day around your neck enjoying your life.