>>4355295>>Dynamic range>They're all edited JPEGs gotten straight from the camera>pic related is a photo of a black chook's asshole in shade and a white gravel driveway in full sun both showing detailJust because you're shooting jpeg doesn't mean you're not using the camera's dynamic range as a crutch to justify shooting in terrible light.
Everyone knows the only reason to shoot a fuji is to use dro+/-2stops and a film sim preset.
Not blowing the highlights out doesn't mean you have a good exposure.
>i have 'tard-strength compositionPutting subjects or lines on thirds isn't composition. Composition is when I don't have to wonder why 40% of the image is even there to begin with. Easy advice for normal people to follow is to start with a 50mm (or equiv) and work your way wider as you feel the strength of your images increase. This will draw you closer to your subjects. For an aspie who doesn't want to be in people's way, start with a 70mm. Honestly nearly all of these photos would be much stronger with that kind of crop applied.