Shoot ultra wide 35mm so honestly you can't get the full effect of the photos form there, but most of them are centered decently for it.
>>3825590Dutch angles are cool sometimes, but don't over do it. Good start. Least favorite it top mid.
>>3823016Not into it really, not my style, but different and I appreciate that you do your own thing. Look like a art design fag. Make some cool t-shirts.
>>3817936Maybe a little to simple for me.
>>3817936Feels like my style, love it.
>>3816224Feels like filler. To many cars shits that are mediocre. Favorite shot is med left.
>>3814737I kind of hate zoo animal photos. I get why you do it, but it feels meh. Subject knows its being watched.
>>3812769Nice photos, but muh Vancouver art scene diversity with people who's style are crafted and not authentic.
>>3812767When you used contrast, those blues in the sky photos are unbearable. Love the silhouettes.
>>3812646I like what you're going for here. I enjoy that you have you own aesthetic and shoot different things. Not afraid to post stuff you like but isn't on theme.
>>3808751Looks like you're kinda old. Idk maybe just like someones dad's aesthetic.
>>3805887You're trying to force hard shadows that look shitty most of the time. Top right is best shot.
>>3805702Unless you live on an Island shoot something else. The photos are good, but it feels bland when all the photos are so similar. and all under exposed for the sunset.
>>3804861One of my favorites here, but I'll admit im strongly against photographing and publishing cemeteries as i personal feel it is disrespectful to the dead to use their resting place as an aesthetic.
>>3803747Simple, yet so pleasing. Shows you can take great photos and have a great feed without traveling the world or living in a big city. Very cozy.
>>3803510I loath collagegrams. Good photos, but I fucking hate collages.