>>4279011The epson v800 has 4x5 holders. I agree that looking at the negatives is probably the best. I lost my loupe in the grass, and I'm waiting for my new rodenstock viewing loupe. Should be here soon. It is also a good skill to be able to "see" the image even if it is negative.
I guess it is gearfaggy in a sense to pixelpeep your 4x5 shots, but on the other hand you are wasting expensive film if you aren't at least trying to get near a technically perfect shot with LF. I'm getting there, but still have some work to go. The quality of LF glass and the large film really add another element to a print when you nail a shot.
It's kind of funny to think about, but very grainy prints also add a special quality that I really enjoy from film. Boils down to a stylistic choice depending on subject.