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Been shooting with a Mark II since 2012 and i didn't see a reason for upgrading with mark III (basically only better AF system and half a stop lower noise at high ISO). Nothing i really needed. I shoot events, architecture and food, all kinds of shit really but i really couldn't justify an upgrade. Now with the Mark IV finally better dynamic range etc everything pretty nice, but i can't justify the price, it's NOT THAT much better in any real world sense. If i shot action then yes of course the AF would help a bunch. Also a cleaner ISO800+ would be helpful with event photos but i can still manage and people have managed with a lot less in the past.
Also with the magiclantern firmware you get the dual-iso feature which can expand your dynamic range to ~14stops with the trade off of lower vertical resolution, i use it a ton in contrasty light it works pretty good.
You would still be bracketing even with more advanced cameras if you were doing a landscape type shot in order to capture as much detail as possible in the shadows and highlights rather than just exposing lower and pushing in post.