OP here, why did you gear fags have to shit up my thread?
I find it funny that the retard(s) in here fighting for film don't realize that 99% of the end results end up being viewed on a screen, and usually a very tiny screen. I get the nostalgia for film and the "process", but the realities of it is that the reward is not worth the cost. The irony is that diehard film fags would probably end up a better photographer with a digital because you get 1000x more attempts at the basket. This whole "workflow" circlejerk is so fucking gay, I'm over it. Go drink some fucking developer.
>>4368068You're more into the meta of taking pictures rather than the actual picture. Basically a gearfag. Saying that would've been shorter. Look, I romanticized film for a long time too. I've owned alot of nice MF film kits. Film really does not fall within the circle or practical reality these days.
pic is from a recent trip to Yosemite on the GFX 50R with the zoom lens. Go pixelpeep