>>4365161>do you know what scanner the lab used?Probably a Noritsu machine, the photo certainly has all the familiar symptoms of one. If you want that same look with your Plustek then just crank the unsharp masking on and scan at 3600 mode, and it will look like that. If you want actual results, you'll disable all sharpening in the software and scan at 7200. In software use the histogram to set the color balance around where you want it, then the rest you adjust in post. In post you clean whatever filth was on the picture, add high pass, downscale and then add a little bit of final sharpening to taste. Then fine tune color and contrast. Scanning will take a long time especially if you use the infrared dust removal, and there's no getting around that, your only other options are digital camera scanning or paying premium for mediocre ultra sharpened noisy Noritsu scans. Also never use multi-exposure mode while scanning, it does absolutely nothing.