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Not on /vid/ too often anymore but thought I would post just to vent a bit and hope some of you guys may relate:
>be me
>be 24
>feel sad and tired all the time, all I do is think about my goals and push through everyday with those goals.
>my cat, uncle, and mother are all terminally ill.
>my dad is my best friend but is incredibly depressed because all his best friends are quickly dying.
>I work basically a janitor/dining room job, worked in NYC over the summer doing this and now work at a camp in Lake Tahoe doing the same.
>I make $11 an hour, graduated from college
last spring with a Sociology degree (yeah yeah, yuck yuck yuck), am 60k in student loan debt.
>Spend all day working my shit job, bike home through the mountains home to do coding school online, I hate coding but its fine. I want a coding job to pay odd my debt, live a good life, and save up all of my money to be able to fund my own film. All I have ever wanted to do, like many of you, is bring a script of mine to life and have it be appreciated and seen. Its my life goal.
>Things are fine, way better than most people. I am just tired all of the fucking time. My job sucks, my social life is non existent, my family is crumbling, coding every night is exhausting and I can only find an hour or so a week to write despite it being all I really want to do.
With all of this things just feel hopeless all the time. Feels like the country is broken beyond repair, feels like the film industry and our society's love/respect of film is dead or dying. I know I am just bitching but I just wanted to write this out because I never get to say it to anyone besides my mop bucket.