>>4299446forgot to mention I also bumped the exposure +2EV on the first edit +1EV on the second
I feel more comfortable pulling highlights rather than pushing shadows in the tone equalizer, but that's just preference again
anyways second photo
you didn't post "unedited", so top middle is what the RAW looks like when I import it into darktable (I turned off all the default defaults so I start all photos with as much a clean slate as possible)
bottom left is your edit, bottom right is mine
once again default profile applied, +2EV, and all lens corrections
again pulling down the highlights (sky) by -0.93EV ~ -1.55EV depending on the part of the curve
finally shadow saturation -43%, highlight saturation +61%
>>4298085explain the difference first
>>4299066personally haven't found much use for exposure bracketing, like
>>4299339 said I get enough DR from the raws it doesn't really help
I can see some situations where it might be useful even then, so I'm glad I have access to it if needed