>>3393237>“wtf why did I pick Velvia I want to shoot indoors too” or “wtf why did I pick 1600 film I have to stop down to max speed and f/22 now for all shots outdoors”I understand this struggle so badly. That why I pretty much only shoot ASA 800 or higher in my P unless I know I'm going to be outside all day. I don't mind being stuck at f/22 @ 1/1000th for outdoors shots but being stuck with ASA 100 indoors is a bitch. I always have a Oly XA3 or some other P&S on me so I can at least use flash indoors.
Been on a slide fiend recently (I'm out of c41 chems) so I really am feeling the full force of this. Only "high speed" slide film I have is Provia 400x and my last roll of Sensia 400 but don't wanna waste these rolls.