>>3177134ND filters wouldn't solve his problem. They are completely irrelevant to this discussion. He's talking about changing exposure sliders in post, not about changing his actual exposure in the field, and even if he were talking about changing his actual exposure in the field, ND filters would just bring his exposure down a little bit, they wouldn't help with the fact that he's problems getting both his highlights and midtones exposed correctly.
>>3177079If you're using Lightroom or any other decent editing program (I'm just most familiar with lightroom), there should be more than just the "Exposure" slider. What it sounds like is your highlights are getting a little overexposed but your midtones are about where they are. So, instead of using the "Exposure" slider, use the "Highlights" slider to bring down the bright in your clouds until you can make out details again.
Pic tangentially related, but mostly there because I misread the question at first and am apparently too dumb to get this browser to unselect an image to upload.