>>3925157>Implying you wouldn't.I wouldn't, if someone pays me hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a game i would have the decency to be with my dev team checking what they are doing, THEN after finishing i would bang her in a sunny beach.
>I'd appreciate more recommendations.Sure but i am going to be the bigger asshole and give you heaven's secrets for which i will be punished later in my original imageboard, i have more knowledge in HK cinema so my suggestions will be more oriented to that area.
If you like that saturated, close-up wide angle look that also often uses crooked horizons (the so-called deutsch angle) and tons of character movement then check the works of Tak-Hei Pau "Peter", Ping-Bing Lee "Mark", Wai-Keung Lau "Andrew", Pun-Leung Kwan "Venus", Ngok-Tai Wong "Arthur", Tong-Leung Cheung "Tony" and their western representative face, Christopher Doyle "Dou Lou-Baan".
In Japan its maximum style representative is probably Hideo Yamamoto, with a side mention to Shuji Kuriyama.
It's an extensive list and obviously you won't be able to watch everything in a sitting but check their credits and you will probably find 2 or 3 movies they worked in that you might've heard of; their camera style in the late 80's, the 90's and the very early 00's was copied all the time in the west around the mid-90's until late 00's and it's a big part of the whole hyperkinetic/Y2K action style. Also they didn't exclusively use that style, they were pretty varied, particularly Mark, but nowadays their legacy is that hard-to-pull aesthetic only seen for a few years here in this side of the world.
Movies that take those looks in the US that i remember right now were 12 Monkeys, some Guy Ritchie shit like his Snatch, McG trashy movies, Mystery Men, El Mariachi and tons of music videos although some of them, like those directed by Richard Heslop, are direct contemporary to the asian guys.