>>3251044>Can anyone please, please recommend a flatbed A4 scanner which will do transparencies and will get around 8-12mp out of a 35mm negative (i.e. go to 24/3200 dpi without looking like the negative's been smeared with Vaseline.)No modern, or reasonably priced flatbed can do that. You'd be lucky to get anything above 2000dpi with the latest, top of the line Epsons (that cost $800+).
My advice is to keep your scanner for medium format and gets a dedicated film scanner for 35mm. Plusteks, Minoltas, etc., will get you upwards 3600dpi (resolving grain clearly), which is about 6x the resolution that you're getting now, if you're getting 1600 measured dpi to begin with.
Otherwise you can lurk eBay or closing studios/labs for some of the professional flatbeds, like Heidelberg Linoscan, Fuji Lanovia, Cezanne, etc. . A total hell for driver compatibility, most probably you'll need SCSI and a virtual machine, but they're the only option that could be found at a reasonable price and deliver excellent resolution for larger than 135 film.
(Don't be fooled by their "flatbed" characterisation, in that context it meant that they're not drum scanners, nothing to do with modern flatbeds. They have better optics and focusing than even dedicated scanners).
>shit photo, but PanF+ is indeed sharp and contrasty