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>go full Ansel with large format
Expensive and inconvenient, but easily the most visceral experience with film. IQ advantage will be largely wasted unless I make darkroom prints or send for drum scans.
>get a 6x7 or 6x8 SLR
Next best thing after large format in terms of quality, but with more conveniences. Some, like the Fujifilm GX860, have a lot of the same movements as large format, but I hear that camera is terribly unreliable.
>get a 6x4.5 SLR
Another step down, for added lightness and compactness. The images do not look dramatically better nor no "worse" than digital. Nice format, but I don't know if it differentiates itself enough from digital for someone who shoots both.
>get a 6x7 or 6x8 or 6x9 rangefinder
I don't know anything about these. Obviously lighter and more compact, but less convenient for framing shots, I guess.
>be a TLR hipster
I have one, but I don't use it much because the ergonomics are so bad. Upgrading to one with a crank that also cocks the shutter isn't too expensive if it's not a desirable brand. Feels like a lot of bulk for little gain.