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Being that aggressive, dangerous inconsiderate cunt, especially in subdivisions, parking lots, and at intersections. Speeding, tailgating, cutting people off, lane splitting, filtering way too fast through pedestrians and traffic... not entirely for the purpose of scaring and pissing people off, but that's a byproduct of trying to be as fast as possible at all times. It's not uncommon to get screamed at 2 or 3 times in one day. Nearly got into fistfights a dozen times last year alone.
Really been trying to tone it down lately before I get myself killed. There are 3 places where it's just too tempting to be a total cunt (dat flow) so I just avoid them now. It's hard though... my 20km commute is my own personal time trial, and it feels more like play time than commuting. Literally, I forget traffic rules and basic human decency once I clip in.
I have a problem, but I'm working on it.