>>3361097>>3361262>literally posts Olympus marketing material because he has no pictures of his own>fingerpoints someone else as a shillhah
I'm not trashing micro 4/3 cameras, just Olympus. I've owned an Olympus EP5 and it was just a worthless camera in anything but perfect light. Trying out more recent models in person always disappointed too.
>l-lots of purfeshnals use Micro 4/3They don't, and never Olympus. The only micro 4/3 cameras I've seen EVER used in a professional capacity was a ONE GH5 on a video rig at a pussy hat march. All you have to back up this claim about loads of pros using M43 (which they don't) is a vague "I know ppl who r in galleries"
Fuck off, you lying, no-picture shill.