>>3797359Absolutely. The problem with the Suburban sky is that the light pollution overwhelms the scene with light. If shot with the same ISO settings the image would have been washed out completely. This was the only way to expose for the subject.
>Like I'm glad you have a hobby and can afford this stuff but why does this thread exist ? I just responded to the thread when I saw the image. I was surprised to see a photograph I'd only taken a day prior posted here on /p/. Personally, I'm not sure it was a sensible decision for me to buy the camera, lens or the EQ Mount. But I've held off buying a telescope for well over a decade so this is technically a compromise (using camera lenses instead of a telescope).
Something interesting from Canon about the EOS Ra: The low amounts of noise showing up with high ISO from various user's cameras was unexpected. Their opinion is that the noise is somehow averaged out over the denser numbers of pixels (compared to previous cameras).
I've not used modded cameras before, but the results I'm getting are encouraging. I don't have access to crystal clear skies ion Chilean mountaintops but the comparisons are interesting.