>>3600948>>3600960Here's the "adapter" anon, it's very simple actually.
Mind you though, shooting 35mm film on a medium format camera without a special back, is a bit inconvenient.
For instance, normal backs have no ability/gears to rewind your film after you're done, because 120 film just rolls from one spool to the other, no rewinding. So you have to open the back in a dark bag to rewind it manually. Also old folders with red windows will fog your film completely, because there's no backing paper. Also some minor annoyances depending on the back used, usually you'll have to remember (i.e. no counter) the exposures after the 12th one (or 24th for 220 backs), and usually you'll also have to guess how much to turn the winding knob, cause the gears for the frame spacing/autostop disengage after the 12th/24th shot.
All said though, it's a very cheap and fun way to try it. 35mm backs have been meme priced to oblivion. A Bronica 135W back, for the SQ line, is 300-400$, i.e. the price of a whole kit (body+lens+finder+back) *just* for the back.