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I've always played with the idea of getting a nice camera someday.
Well, I acquired these nikon lenses(and film camera) for absolutely free today and was wondering if you guys have any advice for a camera to pair them with. I'm guessing I'd have to pair them with another nikon?
Cost isn't a huge factor, but I'm hoping for a good bang for my buck camera. 5-8mp is enough for me. I'm less concerned with megapixels and more concerned with how well it captures detail across the whole picture. I just don't want lower than 5mp, if that's even an option.
I'll (mostly) be using it to take completely still indoor pictures of items with a tripod from about a meter or two away max, then fixing colors in gimpshop. I'm not completely dumb when it comes to photography, but the cameras I've been using up till now leave a lot to be desired.