>>4362261It "didn't look bad at all" because it's just aps-c dynamic range.
The exact same dynamic range as the Z8, Z9, and Z6III gearfags worship (despite all the recalls) while crying and screaming because one snoy out of the millions to be bought and abused croaked.
Note for autists: I know claff's charts shouldn't be used to compare cameras because olympus, fuji, and panasonic all run darker than canikony which runs darker than pentax, but sony and nikon have identical ISO labeling standards, and he does not have the correct definition of dynamic range. You can safely add about 2 stops to whatever he claims and still have shadow detail on tap.
Forced NR also isn't unusual. People were already happy with it on... the EOS R series. But when snoy does it, it's "shit sensor" and when canon does it, "it doesnt affect detail you whiny gearfag buy a refurb r8 right fucking now!"
I don't know why /p/ is so bad at noticing this but all japanese cameras are the exact fucking same because they are not a creative and innovative country anymore. Global shutter isn't even a snoy invention, it came out of western fabs servicing the motion picture industry first!