>>3630957When I mean by time constrains is if I am shooting an event that I have to capture moments in I either have to shoot some form of auto and focus on composition or shoot manual and miss shots. It's unsatisfying photography for the most part. Pic related is from the end of an event I shot and had some time to fuck around with the photo and take multiple and get something I was happy with.
>>3630965This. I love taking drunk shots with friends. I want to capture moments and convey the feeling of the scene. I find P&S do that much better than a $5000 DSLR.
>>3631059I found that sometimes cameras don't work for what I want to do. Nothing wrong with finding a body/lens (brand doesn't matter) that suits your needs. Film point and shoots are nice. I wouldn't mind an old Ricoh GR but the cost and lack of repair ability keeps my head on straight.