trying out some new shit and it sorta got out of hand, is the feed too messy?
>>3934062not a huge fan of the cine blue/orange meme but I like the cohesion in your lighting.
>>3934966some interesting ones in there, I would maybe suggest to organise your feed by theme/tones so they'll stand out more
>>3935015these three are damn good:
-Light Leak Works 1
-Double Exposures of Sea 3/3
-Standing on the Edge of the Day 2/3
stylistically I'd continue in that direction
>>3935489great shots with exceptional composition but the hdr edits sorta ruin it for me.
>>3935597good lighting φίλε, but the shots feel a tad bland to me, maybe go for a @ifyouleavestagram analogue vibe
>>3935860I think "Tshepel" is your more interesting shot lighting/composition-wise, maybe go for minimal interior shots like that.
>>3937115you should clean up your feed a bit 'cause some very strong shots get lost by the bulk of the snapshitty ones
>>3938382very good, I would only take the editing down by just a notch to make the tones look more natural
>>3940208needless to say but best in thread, folowed+
>>3945561great aesthetics would love to see more
>>3951906man you have some insanely good b/w shots, like Koudelka good, I'd tidy up my feed and focus on them
>>3955523strong portfolio but the models feel a bit too posed, I would also dirty up the shots with a bit of grain to make them even more atmospheric.
>>3955707feels like a david lynch short, in a good way