I once ran into video where somebody suggested that Darktable doesn’t read Nikon RAWs properly and suggested changing color profile and base curve (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1nS3URVSYA) and while his photos improved greatly like that, I dont understand how I could do so myself. Exiftool cant extract ICC profiles from camera created JPG files for some reason (and default matrix seems to be rather fitting anyway) and base curves already present inside ("Nikon", "Nikon alternative" and one for D5100) doesn’t really change much (except "Nikon alternative" resulting in brighter colors). At the same time, Paintshop opens these files in pretty much similar state (only with slightly less contrast). I know that a lot of people say that one should "embrace the noise" but at the same time, I really want to do better photos and Im rather frustrated when I open them on PC and see complete loss of details. How do I fix that?
This is mentioned pic edited in Darktable
Thank you for any reply and sorry for trouble.