>>3434205>>That said, the Canikon hard push into mirrorless will probably shift the market.>The other way around. Their sales are now dipping after the initial hype, while Sony's sales are increasing.The image you posted is a PROJECTION of Canon camera sales for ALL CATEGORIES, YEAR OVER YEAR going into a market that is SHRINKING FOR EVERYONE and tells us nothing about how the new MILC models are doing in the few months since their release. (Was the R even out when this report was produced?)
So citation needed on both your claims (Canon/Nikon MILCs dipping after initial hype; Sony sales increasing).
>Ignore the manipulative percentages, and See this chart>>3433744>"marketshare" is "manipulative"I think you meant to say "Sony fans are manipulative."
>And it's going to keep getting worse and worse for the dslr.It's going to get worse for every segment.
>>The Full Frame claim>They aren't bullshitting you. Canon is dropping like a rock in the ocean.49.1% of the market is not "dropping like a rock" FFS.
>>Fab costs are based on chip size.>This is very superficial and one-dimensional thinking, and you display a lack of understanding of wafer production.Says the guy with no understanding of wafer production.
>The other dimensions to cost is what technologies are used, the more precision they use on the wafer, the higher the cost will also be.Is the 42mp sensor made at a different, higher resolution fab? If not then the R&D costs might have been higher but the production costs are damn near identical.