If he didnt walk in front of my usual spot I wouldn't have seen him.
He's also not wearing anything I'd normally shoot, and when you know who it is; clearly is trying to look as generic as possible to avoid recognition.
If I did shoot a shot like this it'd probably be a reject just because there's nothing aesthetic, or personal in it (where I know the person likes me shooting them) .
Maybe even if I did know who it was I'd have rejected it because he (presumably; as a celeb wanting to avoid slack-jawed gawkers) and therefore wasnt into being shot.
I wouldn't have tried to sell it in any case.
I like not knowing they are celebrities and asking them "why? are you famous" when they imply they that they are celebrities and therefore I must be paparazzi.
There's been at least one case of a footballer I shot in the city that experienced me not knowing or caring who he was.
When I was a delivery guy I had another footballer try to say he wasnt going to sign for a floral delivery, because he seemed to think his scribble was worth something.
Nah man, no sign no delivery.
I still don't know or care who he was.
Image meta-related (Order of Australia - the medal)