The price of film and developing/scanning costs at labs are only getting higher and higher and I think it's getting to me bros. This might be the end of the line for me (at least until Kodak gets their shit together and things start to cool down), time to find a new digital camera and start shooting with that instead.
>what camera are you shooting with and how did you come to get itFuji GW690 II. Got it because I was getting bored of my 35mm SLR
>what film stock are you usingPortra 400, Gold 200, Ektar 100
>development - home or lab, for b&w or color tooSend them in to a lab because I have no where to develop at home
>scanning - flatbed or dslr methodDrum scan :^)
>who /medium format/ herebased
>>4106420I'll sell you my A-1 with a 50mm for $500 Aus bro (because I bought it 3 years ago for $600 ;_;)