I'm fairly new to Instagram, posting from my two-years old backlog of photographs and photographing still when I can. Cherry picking the ones that hopefully look like stills from a film. Let me know your thoughts /p/
https://www.instagram.com/kino_jamming_pictures/>>3661500Love it mate, followed. You choose great subjects with a striking gaze and capture them soulfully.
>>3661526Love it. It looks like a cosplay supplies website's gallery. I like your preset also. I have a thing for cosplay girls so I might be biased here but i think they're great. Followed.
>>3661637You have an amazing eye for shots, I love it. you manage to make your landscapes look cinematic and not faggy touristy - really like this one. Followed.
>>3662384I like it, a lot of your photographs I get a sense of attitude and stride without being pretentious, nice. Followed
>>3674542Ah yes, a fellow white boarders fag. How do you do fren? I love your stuff, you get the art of photographing not the whole subject but enough to tease. I like it alot, your colours are consistently dreamy. Followed