>>2703232Thanks for writing this out! This is a much better post than the rest of this thread imo. I understand if you don't think my work is particularly evocative, but the fact is that aesthetics is not something I put particularly strong emphasis on when making photographs. I didn't make this thread so that everyone will love my work, I'm posting in the hopes of inspiring some discussion.
Although, one thing to note: the background information I'm providing here ought to be common knowledge for anyone familiar with modern art. It's nothing that would need to be explained this in-depth to, say, a gallery owner or magazine editor. The reason I'm posting it is *because* people here ought to know this stuff, and they don't.
>>2703233You're right - this isn't cutting edge. But it's a lot more cutting edge than the usual discourse on /p/, which is generally stuck in a mode where the only consideration is composition and gear. People on here really ought to consider this sort of thing, because screaming "pretentious" at the first whiff of modern art is a sure way to be dismissed as immature and ignorant anywhere but 4chan and Reddit.