>>3355935Yeah, Misumena vatia is my second guess due to lack of green legs, but the spines everywhere suggest Mecaphesa sp.
It is the lens and aperture mostly. Like this Oncopeltus fasciatus' orange gets blown out with this lens. The D3400 doesn't have enough dynamic range to render it properly with the lens and the aperture it uses. The images were edited and saved in Photoshop; for spot healing and exposure. The biggest reason these are so different is how the aperture works with the lens. I forgot and left the square aperture in the lens instead of the f/20 circular aperture, which does much better color tone.
If you recognize any of my photos, almost all of them are with DIY lenses and the bokeh & colors almost always won't be what you see in normal lenses or real life respectively because of that. Here's a few examples using the same lens, but the correct aperture,
>>3344842>>3341417>>3341646>>3347183And this ones with the square aperture,
>>3347323 >>3347215 with "something odd about the color" going on. The lens itself: