>>4199520They seem to like establishing ludicrous power hierarchies like they see in vampire movies, where they are royalty and everyone else is a simp or useful idiot of some kind. As a photographer I am required to beg for their most plastic poses, and tongue various anuses to compete with other cosplaytographers.
...or something.
They also don't like being photographed out of character because the reality is so very different to what's in their heads....understandably...but apparently some of them take that delusion crazytown seriously.
Right now, years later, I can't recall photographing many of cosplayers out of character. Maybe thats because iirc most seemed happy to pose/be photographed at the time and then later turned nasty. Or persons unrelated to any of my photos got pissy and started making people I had shot neurotic about it. That hater mind game aspect is a big part of all the drama back then, and evidently are still stinking things up with their ignorant shit.