Check this out. With the 50/50 mirror you can use a second LF lens to project an image to overlay the first one. Painfully tedious to focus it with this rudimentary setup, but it does work.
The difficulty with this is that the two images overlap each other on the same plane like a double exposure, so you couldn't simply add a background.
>>4344073I was considering doing something with the hair side. I'm going to take another picture of it because I want to test out the xtol developer I just got in the mail. Maybe I'll fiddle around with your advice and try to contextualize the image better. It's kind of tricky because I think it may take away from the visceral-ness of the image.
A maggot picture would be really cool, but I am way too disgusted by them to ever attempt it. This picture got very close to my limit on gross stuff. Hah.