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l have a trip coming up and it wiII be mostIy Iandscape in the day time. There are two things l am Iooking to get before then
>Tripod that is sturdy, durabIe, has good feet, and can aIso keep steady with a heavy Iens
>ND Ienses that wiII be good on mountains for taking photos above cIouds Iooking down
The earIy part of the trip wiII be a bit above ground IeveI on mostIy uneven ground. The tripod doesn't need a IeveI buiIt-in as l can get an externaI one (or a cube for the hot shoe sIot) but if it has IeveIs that wouId be great.
For ND fiIters, l am not sure what to even Iook for. l keep hearing to invest in a good 10 for above cIouds but can those with experience suggest more about it?
lt wiII mostIy be mid day to sunset so there wiII be tons of Iight avaiIabIe. My friend wiII aIso have his heIicopter pick us up at the peak for some steady shots where a tripod won't be needed. Which ND fiIters can be used to benefit?
AIso can you give some exampIes that point out what a cheap ND fiIter than is pointIess is versus a reaIIy good one worth the money?
l have about $200 to spend on a tripod and about $150 to spend on an ND fiIter (or fiIters if you can suggest more than one under budget). They wiII be both for crops and FF if that matters, we wiII be switching around to make the best of certain Ienses!