>>3084599So I intentionally oftentimes put objects in the foreground to help frame the photo, is this bad in photography? I'm trying to study and learn, I need to buy Ansel Adams books.
I get it can take away from the focus but it always seemed natural to me. Of course if we look at a classical painting there's never any blurry objects in the foreground, I wouldn't know how to make the objects in front and back look less blurry though.
Ya also motion blur I'm still getting used to, sometimes even when I'm focusing for quite a while on a photo I can get some like on the feet photo. I'm trying my best since with street photography you really only have 1-2 chances with most opportunities.
Also I keep my F stop at automatic, and shutter speed usually at 60 when I'm inside and outside.
Thanks for all the advice, I'll really try to keep it in mind. It's extremely helpful.
Also here's another photo I took with some blur in the foreground since I was focusing on the center, but is it fine in this case to have the human blurry if you want to focus on what's in front of him? There might be a small motion blur as well I think on the sides.