>>3916723>no you dont, you have a fucking battery grip on an APS-C cameraBecause I shoot 99% portrait orientation, and back when 1000shots a day wasn't unusual I would sometimes have battery issues?
That's why the grip.
The way you assume every motivation is insipid and moronic is very telling. That must be a serious hinderance to your relationships IRL.
>it wouldnt slip if it was on dirt, but it does nothing but slip on masonry. ...and you are telling me im a moron for using the spike?
Make up your fucking mind.
>it literally cant if you stop doing retarded things like covering a ballhead in graphiteAs if I'd put lubricant on a locking joint.
For some reason I was thinking it is made of graphite, but it's aluminium. In any case I already said that your assumption I lubricated it is false. Learn to reading comprehension already.
I also already said the flopping around is a fringe case. But you seem to like fixating, so lets just roll with it.
>heavier than yours and has a longer lens but it doesnt flop around.Yes yes, you are clearly superior in every way.
Tell us again so we dont forget.
>cant carry an extra 2 poundsDon't feel like it.
And I like only having one object to wrangle.
Didn't I already say that? Yeah, i did.
I often see noobs trying to carry a camera, a bag, and a tripod. They simply havent learned the elegance of economy yet.
...or think it makes them look more lol-pro
>Dont blame me blaming intensifies
if /p/eople hate you it's almost certainly because you seem to like barging in and flexing your e-penis with the whole ASD-tier "i'm the best, and you are stupid" routine, despite your inability to understand that this probably isn't the case.
...fail at understand when someone is kidding probably doesn't help.
>>3916836>really overpriced stuff"B-but it means *I'm" better...right guys?"
>>3916848>boner for Eggyhardgay boner
That's ok, autistic boners are a lot easier to understand than shit talking tiktok/petition boners.