>>4017141>I did hear somewhere that Delta 3200 has an ISO of 1000 and the Kodak film only has an ISO of 800, though.Yeah pretty much, but this tells half the story.
Shot and developed at those ISOs you'll get *very* flat, low contrast images. Definitely too flat for normal lighting conditions. This is on purpose, because by pushing the contrast increases, so at the index they're designed to be shot at, the increased contrast (starting from very low contrast initially) will come to the "right" level, one that is aesthetically nice for normal use.
Personally, I find Delta 3200 looks the best at ISO1600 in terms of grain and shadow detail/contrast. It even has nice dynamic range at that speed(+dev).
It's pretty much like using TriX/HP5+, with a 2-stop speed boost, which is very useful. At 3200 it's good too, and above that still useable (=the least bad of the options).