Quoted By:
>Be me
>Red Kite
>Wake up at dawn, hungry as heck
>Do some cool soaring moves, feeling like a boss
>See some stupid humans below, probably looking for Pokemon or something
>Spot a juicy looking rabbit, dive in for breakfast
>Rabbit sees me, runs away, rude af
>Settle for roadkill instead, tastes like disappointment
>Hear some crows cawing, those guys are such jerks
>Swoop over a couple having a picnic, steal a sandwich
>Score! It's ham and cheese, best day ever
>Fly around for a bit, enjoy the wind under my wings
>See another kite, try to impress her with my aerial skills
>She’s not impressed, flies away
>Whatever, she doesn’t know what she’s missing
>Sun starts setting, head back to my roost
>Perch on a high tree, watch the humans with their glowing rectangles
>Wonder what they're up to, probably nothing important
>Fall asleep dreaming of that perfect rabbit that got away
>Life of a Red Kite, 10/10 would soar again