Climbed Mt. Hood yesterday.
>>3080119Cable line at the top ruins it for me.
>>3080058Street art photos really need to nail the composition, and I just don't feel like you hit it well here.
>>3080056composition is boring, car behind the motorcycle is distracting, composition was too close and cut off the top mirror. Reflection looks like shooting the other direction would've been better.
>>3079987Too heavily processed but not bad.
>>3079882I like this
>>3079877Feels almost a little too underexposed but otherwise nice
>>3079720usually don't like the black and white meme but this works
>>3079663I like this but I don't like the cabinet to the right. Can't exactly move it though.
>>3079655This is nice but I feel like it'd be better cropped to preserve some of the symmetry. Get rid of that left post, keep the subjects centered, and it works a bit better.