>>3783861>>3783871sure, its easy to ignore the people chillin on the side of the street but..
>walking on path through giant park just after sundown, middle of downtown near U of Toronto (safe area) >some tents in the far corner of park, no biggie>6'3" ultra lank dirty mans standing in the middle of the path >hey man please I havent eaten in 4 days I have diabetes they won't treat me please i'm starving to death>mans eyes are floating in his head, looks like a walking skellie >sorry man can't help you i dont have any change or food on me>can I make a suggestion? theres an atm 2 blocks north, can you take me there and get me some money?>sorry man I have to go, take care of yourself>turn 360 and walk away with 2500$ cad of photo gear in my hand experiencing homelessness can be very dehumanizing, being ignored most of the time / people pretending like you don't exist