>>2848076My god, you seem to be right in a way. I did a test today, and compared the same shot i took on Nikon D80 and Canon EOS M. D80 really does look better on ISO 100. It looks a bit warmer and a bit more "organic" like you said, although older CCD actually also looks cleaner then CMOS, and has less chroma noise (this is the case only for low ISO).
I shot RAW, handheld, same focal distance (55mm on Nikon and 51mm on Canon to get the same FOV), same aperture(f/8), same exposure (1/640s), pushed dynamic range in Lightroom(same amount for both photos) , and exported best quality JPEG to Photoshop, then cut the images and saved them in maximum quality.
I can upload RAW files if somebody is interested.
I wonder why this is happening. While i was checking highlights i thought maybe its because real base ISO is higher then 100 on EOS M, but if that was the case i suppose shadows should look better on M then D80, and they look even worse. D80 still looks better even after i zoom in to match the resolution of the M.