>keep to a schedule, try to improve>barely scrape 100 likes at best>gf makes account, posts same photos I post because she wanted her own cosplay account>barely cares about instagram, she doesn't like social networks>1.3k likes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
https://www.instagram.com/giacomofph/Please send help
>>3320199Interesting, followed. I got a random cat pic between all your carefully composed pictures and I was like "wtf?", felt like... it didn't fit. Still, it was a cool cat picture I guess.
>>3328705been following you for a while, I really love your stuff.
>>3328010Slow down mate. This is boring and confusing, focus on something, if not a subject, a palette of colours.
>>3326040Good, real good. Followed. Give up on the "locks and chains" pictures though, they're so overdone.