>>3571625Phenomenal work. Would like to see more
>>3571656Weird color banding and colors overall. Not a great subject but the bokeh looks creamy. Bit of a snapshot
>>3571660Don't feel anything towards this. Don't know how to make it better though
>>3571664It's still snapshitty. The composition is kind of boring but keep shooting.
>>3571666Serene. Not my cuppa but still good
>>3571671Eh. It's okay
>>3571677Have any from the interior? Looks like a very cool place
>>3571679Sunny vibes here. Love the blue
>>3571684Good framing and location
>>3571686Poor composition. Good location
>>3571689Take more pictures
>>3571701Moody and just okay.
>>3571705I like this one
>>3571784And this one too
>>3571829Kind of boring.
>>3571830Very boring
>>3571832Noisy, snapshitty.
>>3571833Best one yet. Great tonality and the grain is nice.
>>3571850Wish you were closer. This is pretty good.