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For me to be honest i mean you see gear shilling in every hobby.
But the only hobby where they don't teach you jack shit on youtube, where you can't learn from others, is Photography.
Every fucking youtube video is either shilling some brand or shilling their gear.
Like nigger nobody cares about your gear, why cant you fucking talk about angles and snaps and corner shots and god damn fucking positioning when you take a photo.
Why do i have to skip through 10 fucking videos just to find out how to setup startshooting on this rinky dinky fucking shitty ass mirrorless???
It's absolutely retarded, and the photography community never talks about their pictures, they're always talking about their fucking aluminum boxes that go *clack* "i captured light" teheheheehehehehehee
Yeah nice out of fucking focus Coffee table with in focus coffee mug you fuck, why couldn't you just put f/11 and spare us your god awfully disgusting photograph faggot.
So my answer to you op, there is a lack of desire to take good pictures or create art, and there is a majority of desire to acquire good gear.
it's sad and depressing.
excuse my language but the photo community really gets to me, i mean look at this board, everyday we gotta argue with Sony faggots nonstop shitting up a thread.
everyday we have to deal with these people in this hobby.
Pic related is real photography go pixel peep somewhere else faggots.