>>3654415>What do you have from the Mamiya 645?Mamiya 645 Pro body, 80mm f/1.9 (which is the main reason I wanted to buy an m645), and a 210mm f/4 that I think I've used roughly one time. I've got two 120 backs for some reason, a 220 back somewhere around here, and a 135 back that I've never used because I misunderstood how it works 'cause I'm an idiot (I was hoping it shot panoramic 135, but it just shoots... regular old 35mm 24x36 frames in an unnecessarily bulky camera. And there's even a panoramic adapter for it! But that just makes it shoot fuckin' 13x36 cropped panoramas. I was very disappointed, and I really should've researched more before buying it. On the plus side, the fact that it's basically useless means it was cheap)
I was on a real medium format kick for a while with my model shoots, but the plague shut that down for the moment. I like it because it mostly handles just like a regular SLR (except bulky as shit), and I kinda dig that I only get 16 shots per roll because it's easier to finish off a roll in a single session and not have to worry about having a roll sitting half-shot in my camera for a year.