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Going on a beach trip next month for a week and I'm trying to decide what to bring. So far pic related is what I plan on taking film wise, camera wise I'm bringing a Hanimex Amphibian (underwater camera), Olympus XA4, Fuji GW690, Ricoh XR-7 w/ 45mm pancake lens and I'm considering the Canon P just for the 90mm Voigtlander.
Most of the MF rolls are expired don't really care how they turn out just wanna experiment with them, most of the important photos I'll be taking will be on 35mm which is all fresh.
>22 35mm rolls
>20 MF rolls
Does this seem like a reasonable amount for a week trip? I'll be out for most of the days taking photos.
Film list:
Kodak Ultramax 400 x6
Fujifilm Provia 100F x6
Kodak Tmax 400 x4
Kodak Tmax P3200 x2
Kodak Tri-X x2
Fujifilm Acros 100 x2
>Medium Format
Kodak Portra 800 x5
Fujifilm Astia 100F (2008/2005) x3
Fujifilm Provia 400F (2004) x3
Fujifilm Velvia 50 220 (1997) x2
Kodak Ektar 100 x2
Ilford Pan F 50 x1
Fujifilm Provia 100F (2012) x1
Fujifilm Reala 100 (2011) x1
Fujifilm Acros 100 (2011) x1
Kodak Portra 160NC (2011) x1