Pic from my evening walk last week. Just tried to capture the warm light on the building
>>4046593I like this one, looks good in monochrome
>>4046567Got any wider shot? I'd like to see more of the beast
>>4046413nice & simple. And sharp. But on the other hand the flower on the left is a bit distracting
>>4046374I just think it lacks a subject. But the light looks pretty good. Both the chair and the plant touch the edges which I don't like too much. Maybe I'm being overly critical
>>4046320>>4046328Very cool. Do you think WebM format would give better quality than GIF?
>>4046045I like the reflections
>>4046071The view on the right seems more interesting than on the left. this pic makes me want to take one or two steps to the left and recompose
>>4046081Really nice lighthouse photo, well done Anon