>>3259423> all kinds of dumb bullshit they don't actually use from skateboards to cameras to motorcycles or whatever the fuck. Well that's a hole different business. It's just using props, in order to create some kind of setting or aesthetic statement, or whatever.
What really triggers me is this particular thing that I already explained: you are a photographer, you have your shit ass collection of weird ass cameras your gearfaggotry compelled you to buy, and you just put in on the model for no apparent reason.
It's like a message to other gearfaggots: "hurr look although I dictates me to shoot digital, I have and cherish a Pentax 67/Polaroid SX70/Yashica T4/Contax g2/whatever hipster trash I bought on eBay. Take that digital slavery, I'm a true artist!".
To me, thus exudes cuckery, beta fetishism, poor taste and closet homosexuality. It screams wrong from every side.