>>3372541Did you try the auto-align thing? Basically, you open Photoshop, click on the following,
File>Scripts>Load Files into Stack>select all the files you want on different layers>check box the "Attempt to automatically align source images">Ok
Then wait for it to finish loading each image into a separate later and auto-align. This is great for handheld stuff too. However, the more your images are not lined up when taken the more of the edges you'll lose when squaring the image by hand after auto-align. With a tripod you may lose a few pixels on the edges, but with handheld you may lose quite a bit.
Once that is done and you've squared and cropped the image you can do your masking or what ever. If you want to do an auto-blend you can select each layer then Edit>Auto-blend>whatever options you want to play with (Seamless... and Content Fill... options there are pretty powerful sometimes). Once selected, you can Edit>Auto-align as well if you didn't do that before.
There's even a way to do a fake ND long exposure. Take a ton of photos at normal exposure then when at the Stacking box after selecting the images check box the "create smart object" option. Once everything loads,at the top, click on,
Layer>Smart Objects>Stack Modes>then whatever one you think will work well (Mean or Median are usually best for this, but Undo and play around.) If you took enough photos with a tripod for the exposure and ISO setting you had you can turn 1/100 exposure images into a single 3 second exposure. There will be a loss of quality so compare as needed. (Ten 1-second exposures will give you a single 10-second exposure. ) You can also do this by hand with normal layers and opacity settings (Takes forever if you have 50-100 images).