'm kind of all over the place, just started photography, still trying to find my theme but leading towards more street photography.
>>3225903Pretty dope shots you've got my dude.
>>3225990Got a creepy/ eerie feeling to it, which is sick. Some of the photos look like you just took a photo of random shit though.
>>3226000Some photos are unique but I think you've also got the same photo as me. Certain photos look like you put no thought behind them whatsoever.
>>3226044Awesome landscapes! Surprised you're only at like 300 follower, I thought ppl on IG love that shit.
>>3226094Wicked shots man! Sick feed. Liked and left a comment on the photos I like most.
>>3226100Nice mountains dude. Some of the shots reminde of LOTR and when they did those shots of the mountains when the beacons were getting lit lool.
>>3226217Agree with other anon. Those tree photos are kind of boring imo as well.
>>3226241Interesting photos, the building in Latvia was creep af dude!
>>3226302Nice symmetry
>>3226383I like that bnw mirror pic. Rest are cool, I don't really like bnw photos though.
>>3226398Some of your photos I really like, some of them are just meh. That dolphin fin rock photo is dope.