old same old.
>>3292996I like some of the landscapes but could do without the pictures of you/your autistic friends. They don't do much for me.
>>3293000Great colours. You look like a bit of a hipster so I wouldn't enjoy having a beer with you but you've got a good eye.
>>3293025Solid stuff although it's hard to take a bad photo in Japan. Keep it up.
>>3293026Very moody, I like it.
>>3293050Generic instagram colour palette but your follower count shows it's working. Not very original to my eyes.
>>3293053>no critiques>>3293055>no critiques>>3293061>no critiques also where's the proof you fatass faggot>>3293070Already a fan, I love the black and white portraits. The contrast is perfect
>>3293079I know you say they're just snapshits but still, they really do look like snapshits you think are important because they're on film.
>>3293088Colours seem a little off, I can see what you're trying to do but the images don't pop off the screen to me the way they should. The one of the dark clouds and the underexposed bird for instance.